Stopping the Daemon
exec ss_Admin 'STOP'
SQL-SALES ss_Admin run date: 2023-11-09 ----------------------
23:42:30: Using Schema: dbo
23:42:31: SQL-Sales Daemon successfully stopped
Starting the Daemon
exec ss_Admin 'START'
SQL-SALES ss_Admin run date: 2023-11-09 ----------------------
23:43:20: Using Schema: dbo
23:43:27: SQL-Sales Daemon successfully started
Stopping the Handler
exec ss_Admin 'STOP_HANDLER'
SQL-SALES ss_Admin run date: 2023-11-09 ----------------------
23:44:40: Using Schema: dbo
23:44:41: SQL-Sales Handler successfully stopped
Checking the Environments
exec ss_Admin 'ENVS'
SQL-SALES ss_Admin run date: 2023-11-09 ----------------------
23:47:07: Using Schema: dbo
23:47:08: Configured Environments, Name (Username):
23:47:08: DEMO2 ([email protected])
23:47:08: DEMO ([email protected])
23:47:08: HARD ([email protected])